OSDM Feature Notes by Roy/SAC

OSDM (Oldskool Demo Maker) Feature Notes - 3D

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3D Ball

OBJ 3D Ball definitions are by default simple text documents that can be edited with any text editor like Notepad. See the structure of such VOBJ file further down below. If the OBJ definition file grows too large, OSDM becomes unable to load it. But there exists a workaround solution for this problem.

3D Ball Settings

  • 3D Object - File in either .OBJ or .mOBJ format
  • Position - Enable and specify the start position of the 3D Ball Object in 3 dimensional space relative to the camera point of view
    • X-Position: Off - 640
    • Y-Position: Off - 480
    • Z-Position: Off - 720
  • Rotation - Enable and specify the "speed" by which you want to rotate the vector object relative to the camera point of view on each of the 3 dimentional axis in space.

    Important: The center of the rotation which the object rotates around is depending on the position of the data points in the object definition itself and cannot be modified or adjusted within OSDM.
    • X-Rotate: Off - 360
    • Y-Rotate: Off - 360
    • Z-Rotate: Off - 360
  • Movement - Enable and specify the "speed" by which to move the vector object in each dimensional direction relative to the camera point of view. This effect is only supported in FULLSCREEN mode.
    • X-Move: Off - 360
    • Y-Move: Off - 360
    • Z-Move: Off - 360
  • Angles - Enable and specify and angle in degrees by which to "tilt" the vector object in each dimension relative to the camera point of view
    • X: Off - 360
    • Y: Off - 360
    • Z: Off - 360
  • Bob Images
    • 8 Images: numbers 0 - 7 - The size of the bob images is limited to 10 KB each and should be of square size. Recommended are PNG images with a dimension of 64×64 pixels. Each bob image can be set individually. You can change each image by double clicking on the image that you would like to change and a file dialog opens where you can select the new image for the selected slot.
  • Bob Sets - You can also create pre-defined sets of 8 bobs images each. You simply create a sub folder with name of the set within the "BOBS" sub folder within the OSDM "DATA" folder. Into that new set folder copy your 8 bobs images with the file names 00.PNG, 01.PNG, 02.PNG, 03.PNG, 04.PNG, 05.PNG, 06.PNG, 07.PNG. 00.PNG is the image for the first BOB and 07.PNG for the last one etc. The new set will automatically appear in the BOB SET selection drop down the next time you start OSDM.

OBJ File Packing and Unpacking

Under "Tools\Utils" and then Frame "File Tools" exists the feature to "PACK" and "DEPACK". This feature works for several things in OSDM, including for 3D Ball OBJ files. If you pack a text format 3D Ball object file, it will be converted to binary format and is much smaller in size (80% or more smaller). You cannot edit such packed OBJ files with a text editor anymore, but OSDM can load them. You can also DEPACK them (unpack) at any time, if you need to make changes to any of them.


Multiple 3D Ball Objects in One Demo

At the same location under "Tools\Utils" where you can pack und unpack OBJ files exists also the option "Create Multiple 3D BallObject". If you select that and then click the little black "play" button to the left a pop-up opens with a grid for IDN, File and Size and the options to Add OBJ, Remove it and a "Create" button. You use the Add and Remove buttons to create a list of 3D Ball objects that you would like to use in your demo. When done, click on "Create" and you will be asked to save the new collection in a new file with the extension ".mOBJ".

This mOBJ file can be selected as a 3D Object, just like your regular OBJ files, however, you loose the ability to preview your 3D Ball objects. It also requires the use of the OSDM "Script Feature" (under "Regie\Script") to make use of the multiple 3D Ball objects. The individual 3D Ball objects within the mOBJ collection can be activated via the IDN command in OSDM Script.

For example:

CAL = 3DBALL  ;Start 3DBall Effect* (*must be enabled on MAIN screen)
LEA = 3DBALL  ;Activate 3DBall Effect for Script Control
IDN = 0       ;Activates the first 3DBall Object in your mOBJ file

Note: "Include Script and sort effects by Storyboard only" Checkbox must be enabled under "Regie\Script" in order to execute it.


.OBJ File Definition

  • 1st Line: FX=3DBobs
  • 2nd Line: Name=name of the object
  • Comment Lines start with ";"
  • Commands: Data, AnimX, AnimY, AnimZ


  • Data X, Y, Z, BALLID (0-7), Size(16-64), Alpha-Transparency (0-255) Note to transparency: 0 = opaque, 255 is invisible. This is reversed to the definition of vector objects.

    Each "Data" definition for a single bob image in space is numbered automatically when parsed by OSDM, starting with 0. This is important for the definition of Anim* commands where the first parameter is the "ID" of the affected bob.
    • AnimZ AnimPoint, Sinus Size, Sinus Add , Sinus Start , Type
    • AnimY AnimPoint, Sinus Size, Sinus Add , Sinus Start , Type
    • AnimX AnimPoint, Sinus Size, Sinus Add , Sinus Start , Type

AnimPoint - The number of the 3D Ball to animate, or more precise the ID of the Data point, meaning the X'th DATA X, Y, Z, BALL, SIZE, ALPHA statement in the OBJ file, starting with 0 for the first DATA statement.

Sinus Size - distance from original coordinate, can be a positive or negative number depending on the direction of the target point from the source.

Sinus Add - how much to add to each step along the way. The speed for the calculation of the sinus. Tip: to synchronize animations with different Sinus Sizes, make sure to specify a value for Sinus Add, that the result of Sinus Size / Sinus Add is the same for each of the animation definitions. Example:

    Sz   Add 
P1: 144   12  = 12
P2: 168   14  = 12

Sinus Start - Start Position in the Sinus Table ( 0 - 720 )

Type - Type=0 means "Swing" (default), meaning the speed of the object is the fastest half way and slowest at the start and at the end, Type=1 means "Jump", meaning same speed at the beginning, slowing down towards the end, Type=2 is like "Jump", but reversed. It starts slow and gets faster without slowing down before it reaches the end.

  • Type = 0 - Swing - SinStart ( 0 - 720 )
  • Type = 1 - Jump - SinStart ( 0 - 360 )
  • Type = 2 - Reversed Jump - SinStart ( 360 - 720 )


Example: Atom by Synth

Name=Atom by Synth



.RAW Object Files

OSDM provides the feature to easily create single "layered" or "leveled" 3DBall Objects. You can use the build-in 3D Object Editor for example. You can also save and load those simple "2-dimentional" object definitions to make changes to them.

The RAW Object File has the following struture

  • 1st Line: FX=3DBobsRaw
  • 2nd Line: Name=name of the object
  • Object Definition ... - The object definition is simply text made out of the number 0 to 7, spaces and line-breaks. 0-7 represent each one of the available bobs images that you activate via the OSDM console. A space represents a gap, where no ball is rendered. Here is an example (OSDM.RAW):
    FX   = 3DBobsRaw
    Name = OSDM
     111   2222 0000  5   5
    1   1 2     0   0 55 55
    1 4 1 2222  0   0 5 5 5
    1   1     2 0   0 5   5
     111  2222  0000  5   5


If you want to use the object in OSDM for your demo, you need first to convert the RAW 3DBall definition to OBJ. The build-in editor provides the option to make this conversion via the "Create" button.

The OSDM.RAW example file would be converted to a OSDM.OBJ file that looks like this:

FX   = 3DBobs
Name = OSDM

Data  -640,  -128, 0, 1, 40, 0
Data  -576,  -128, 0, 1, 40, 0
Data  -512,  -128, 0, 1, 40, 0
Data  -256,  -128, 0, 2, 40, 0
Data  -192,  -128, 0, 2, 40, 0
Data  -128,  -128, 0, 2, 40, 0
Data   -64,  -128, 0, 2, 40, 0
Data    64,  -128, 0, 0, 40, 0
Data   128,  -128, 0, 0, 40, 0
Data   192,  -128, 0, 0, 40, 0
Data   256,  -128, 0, 0, 40, 0
Data   448,  -128, 0, 5, 40, 0
Data   704,  -128, 0, 5, 40, 0
Data  -704,   -64, 0, 1, 40, 0
Data  -448,   -64, 0, 1, 40, 0
Data  -320,   -64, 0, 2, 40, 0
Data    64,   -64, 0, 0, 40, 0
Data   320,   -64, 0, 0, 40, 0
Data   448,   -64, 0, 5, 40, 0
Data   512,   -64, 0, 5, 40, 0
Data   640,   -64, 0, 5, 40, 0
Data   704,   -64, 0, 5, 40, 0
Data  -704,     0, 0, 1, 40, 0
Data  -576,     0, 0, 4, 40, 0
Data  -448,     0, 0, 1, 40, 0
Data  -320,     0, 0, 2, 40, 0
Data  -256,     0, 0, 2, 40, 0
Data  -192,     0, 0, 2, 40, 0
Data  -128,     0, 0, 2, 40, 0
Data    64,     0, 0, 0, 40, 0
Data   320,     0, 0, 0, 40, 0
Data   448,     0, 0, 5, 40, 0
Data   576,     0, 0, 5, 40, 0
Data   704,     0, 0, 5, 40, 0
Data  -704,    64, 0, 1, 40, 0
Data  -448,    64, 0, 1, 40, 0
Data   -64,    64, 0, 2, 40, 0
Data    64,    64, 0, 0, 40, 0
Data   320,    64, 0, 0, 40, 0
Data   448,    64, 0, 5, 40, 0
Data   704,    64, 0, 5, 40, 0
Data  -640,   128, 0, 1, 40, 0
Data  -576,   128, 0, 1, 40, 0
Data  -512,   128, 0, 1, 40, 0
Data  -320,   128, 0, 2, 40, 0
Data  -256,   128, 0, 2, 40, 0
Data  -192,   128, 0, 2, 40, 0
Data  -128,   128, 0, 2, 40, 0
Data    64,   128, 0, 0, 40, 0
Data   128,   128, 0, 0, 40, 0
Data   192,   128, 0, 0, 40, 0
Data   256,   128, 0, 0, 40, 0
Data   448,   128, 0, 5, 40, 0
Data   704,   128, 0, 5, 40, 0

As you notice, all 3D Bobs are by default placed in a distance of 64 pixels to each other, are completely opaque and of size "40". You could change that manually in the created OBJ file, if you feel comfortable doing so.

.mOBJ Multi-Object File Format

The .mOBJ file format is idential to the .mVOBJ file format for multiple 3D Vector Objects.


3D Dot

3D Dot Objects
The following 15 "static" 3D Dot objects are available to choose from:

  • Sphere
  • Yo
  • Bo-Tie
  • Cone
  • Cylinder
  • Hat
  • Hmm
  • Cool
  • Bendplain
  • Curl
  • Waveyplain
  • Torus
  • Pillow
  • Plain
  • Plain 1


  • X: OFF - 32
  • Y: OFF - 32
  • Z: OFF - 32


  • X: OFF - 64
  • Y: OFF - 64

Shade: ON/OFF - If On, DOTs further in the back will be rendered gray instead of white to enhance the depth perception for the 3D object.


  • Effect cannot be controlled via OSDM Script properly. It can be activated via the CAL command, but not stopped via STP nor can any parameters adjusted, such as the X, Y or Z position via MVX, MVY or MYZ.
  • The objects available are static and cannot be customized. It is also not possible to add new objects yourself.The definitions for the existing objects are not saved in external files for "hacking" unfortunately.


3D Vector

VOBJ Vector definitions are by default simple text documents that can be edited with any text editor like Notepad. See the structure of such VOBJ file further down below. If the VOBJ definition file grows too large, OSDM becomes unable to load it. But there exists a workaround solution for this problem by "packing" a 3D Vector object definition file (see details below). However, even with that is the size and complexity of vector objects limited. The current version of OSDM is only capable of rendering 3D Objects with less than 1200 Data Points and less than 2400 Polygons.

3D Vector Settings

  • 3D Object - File in either .VOBJ or .mVOBJ format
  • Position - Enable and specify the start position of the 3D Object in 3 dimensional space relative to the camera point of view
    • X-Position: Off - 640
    • Y-Position: Off - 480
    • Z-Position: Off - 720
  • Rotation - Enable and specify the "speed" by which you want to rotate the vector object relative to the camera point of view on each of the 3 dimentional axis in space.

    Important: The center of the rotation which the object rotates around is depending on the position of the data points in the vector object definition itself and cannot be modified or adjusted within OSDM.
    • X-Rotate: Off - 360
    • Y-Rotate: Off - 360
    • Z-Rotate: Off - 360
  • Movement - Enable and specify the "speed" by which to move the vector object in each dimensional direction relative to the camera point of view
    • X-Move: Off - 360
    • Y-Move: Off - 360
    • Z-Move: Off - 360
  • Angle - Tilt the object (like a one-time partial rotation over the x, y or z axis)
    • X-Angle: Off - 360
    • Y-Angle: Off - 360
    • Z-Angle: Off - 360


0 = None

1 = Wire

2 = Shade

3 = Blend

Vector Shading Options

In the settings screen there are two checkboxes, which determine how a vector object is rendered.

Here is an illustration of how an object is rendered with the Shade selected, None and Wireframe.


Note: The "Shadow" value in the 3D Vector object definition only has impact on how the rendered object looks like, if "Shade" or "Blend" is selected.


VOBJ File Packing and Unpacking

Under "Tools\Utils" and then Frame "File Tools" exists the feature to "PACK" and "DEPACK". This feature works for several things in OSDM, including for VOBJ files. If you pack a text format vector object file, it will be converted to binary format and is much smaller in size (80% or more smaller). You cannot edit such packed VOBJ files with a text editor anymore, but OSDM can load them. You can also DEPACK them (unpack) at any time, if you need to make changes to any of them.

Multiple VOBJ Objects in One Demo

At the same location under "Tools\Utils" where you can pack und unpack VOBJ files exists also the option "Create Multiple 3D VectorObject". If you select that and then click the little black "play" button to the left a pop-up opens with a grid for IDN, File and Size and the options to Add VOBJ, Remove it and a "Create" button. You use the "Add" and "Remove" buttons to create a list of vector objects that you would like to use in your demo. When done, click on "Create" and you will be asked to save the new collection in a new file with the extension ".mVOBJ".

This mVOBJ file can be selected as a 3D Object, just like your regular VOBJ files, however, you loose the ability to preview your vectors. It also requires the use of the OSDM "Script Feature" (under "Regie\Script") to make use of the multiple vector objects. The individual vector objects within the mVOBJ collection can be activated via the IDN command in OSDM Script.

For example:

CAL = 3DVECTOR  ;Start 3D Vector Effect* (*must be enabled on MAIN screen)
LEA = 3DVECTOR  ;Activate 3DVector Effect for Script Control
IDN = 0         ;Activates the first Vector Object in your mVOBJ file

Note: "Include Script and sort effects by Storyboard only" Checkbox must be enabled under "Regie\Script" in order to execute it.

The format of a mVOBJ multi-object file is explained further down below.


.VOBJ File Definition

  • 1st Line: FX=Vector
  • 2nd Line: Name=name of the object
  • Definitions: Colors, Points, Surfaces
  • Commands: Color, Data, Poly, AnimX, AnimY, AnimZ

Definition Summaries

  • Colors = Number of Defined Colors
  • Points = Number of Defined DATA Points
  • Surfaces = Number of Defined Polygons


  • Color ID, R, G, B
    • ID = numeric value used for referencing in the Poly command. It is suggested to start the ID with 1 and then count up one by one.
    • R = Red value (0-255), G = Green value (0-255), B = Blue value (0-255), Black for example is R=0, G=0, B=0; White is R=255, G=255, B=255; yellow is R=255, G=255, B=0 etc.
  • Data X, Y, Z (Coordinates)
  • Poly P1, P2, P3, P4, COLOR, ALPHA, SHADOW
    • P1, P2, P3, P4 - the ID of the Data points, meaning the X'th DATA X, Y, Z statement in the OBJ file, starting with 0 for the first DATA statement.
    • Color - the ID/Number of the color value defined via Color command
    • Alpha - Transparency of the surface, reversed to 3D Ball, 0 = fully transparent, 255 = opaque
    • Shadow - Intensity of the shadow cast by the surface on other vectur surfaces
  • AnimX Data ID, Sinus Size, Sinus Add , Sinus Start , Type*
  • AnimY Data ID, Sinus Size, Sinus Add , Sinus Start , Type*
  • AnimZ Data ID, Sinus Size, Sinus Add , Sinus Start , Type*
    See information to the 3D Ball OBJ file definition for details.


Example: Glenz Cube Animated by Genom

FX   = Vector
Name =  genoms Glenz cube raw wobbler the 6th.

Colors  = 4
Points  = 14
Surfaces =24

Color 1, 64,64,64 ; Color 1
Color 2,    127, 127,127 ; Color 2 
Color 3,192,192,192
Color 4,255,255,255

Data -250, -250, -250 ; Eckpunkt 0           
Data  150, -250, -350 ; Eckpunkt 1           
Data  250,  250, -250 ; Eckpunkt 2           
Data -250,  250, -350 ; Eckpunkt 3           
Data -230, -230,  130 ; Eckpunkt 4           
Data  130, -230,  230 ; Eckpunkt 5           
Data  230,  230,  130 ; Eckpunkt 6           
Data -230,  230,  230 ; Eckpunkt 7           
Data     0,      0,  -310 ; Mitte Fläche 1
Data     0,      0,   310 ; Mitte Fläche 2
Data  -320,      0,     0 ; Mitte Fläche 3
Data   320,      0,     0 ; Mitte Fläche 4
Data     0,   -340,     0 ; Mitte Fläche 5
Data     0,    340,     0 ; Mitte Fläche 6

Poly     0,1,8,8,1,212,1 ; Oben
Poly     2,3,8,8,1,212,1 
Poly     2,1,8,8,2,212,1 
Poly     0,3,8,8,2,212,1 
Poly     4,5,9,9,1,212,2 ; Unten
Poly     6,7,9,9,1,212,2 
Poly     6,5,9,9,2,212,2 
Poly     4,7,9,9,2,212,2 
Poly   0,4,10,10,3,212,1 ; Rechts
Poly   3,7,10,10,3,212,1 
Poly   0,3,10,10,1,212,1 
Poly   7,4,10,10,1,212,1 
Poly   1,5,11,11,3,212,2; Links
Poly   2,6,11,11,3,212,2 
Poly   1,2,11,11,1,212,2 
Poly   5,6,11,11,1,212,2 
Poly   0,1,12,12,4,212,1; Hinten
Poly   4,5,12,12,4,212,1
Poly   0,4,12,12,1,212,1
Poly   1,5,12,12,1,212,1
Poly   3,2,13,13,4,212,2; Vorne
Poly   7,6,13,13,4,212,2
Poly   3,7,13,13,1,212,2
Poly   2,6,13,13,1,212,2

Animx 0,  90,22,  99,6
Animx 1,  90,22, 199, 6
Animx 2,  60,22,  99,6
Animx 3,  30,22, 199, 6
Animx 4,  30,22,  99,6
Animx 5,  60,22, 199, 6
Animx 6,  60,22,  99,6
Animx 7,  90,22, 199, 6
Animx 8,  90,22,  99,6
Animx 9,  60,22, 199, 6
Animx 10, 30,22,  99,6
Animx 11, 30,22, 199, 6
Animx 12, 60,22,  99,6
Animx 13, 60,22, 199, 6

AnimY 0,  60,8, 99, 9 
AnimY 1,  -60,8, -99, 9 
AnimY 2,  60,8, -66, 9 
AnimY 3,  -60,8, 66, 9 
AnimY 4,  60,8, 133, 9 
AnimY 5,  -60,8, 133, 9 
AnimY 6,  60,8, -99, 9 
AnimY 7,  -60,8, 99, 9 
AnimY 8,  60,8, 66, 9 
AnimY 9,  -60,8, -66, 9 
AnimY 10, 60,8, 133, 9 
AnimY 11, -60,8, 133, 9 
AnimY 12, 60,8, -99, 9 
AnimY 13, -60,8, 99, 9 

Animz 0,  90,8, 199, 8
Animz 1,  90,8, 139, 8
Animz 2,  60,8, 199, 8
Animz 3,  60,8, -69, 8
Animz 4,  90,8, -199, 8
Animz 5,  90,8, 99, 8
Animz 6,  60,8, 199, 8
Animz 7,  60,8, 139, 8
Animz 8,  90,8, 199, 8
Animz 9,  90,8, -69, 8
Animz 10, 60,8, -199, 8
Animz 11, 60,8, 99, 8
Animz 12, 90,8, 199, 8
Animz 13, 90,8, 139, 8


Animation Types

Illustrations of the "Type" parameter for the AnimX, AnimY and AnimZ commands.

  • Type = 0, Swinging
  • Type = 1, Jumping
  • Type = 2, Reversed Jumping

.mVOBJ File Definition

A mVOBJ File is simply a collection of Unpacked or Packed VOBJ Files joined together.

In order for OSDM to be able to split the multiple VOBJ file apart to make each VOBJ available in the production via IDN numbers 0-X, the length of each VOBJ file is included in the mVOBJ file. The lenght is the VOBJ file size in bytes and it is stored in long-int format (4 bytes in length). For Example, if you have the following 3 VOBJ files

Object     Size in Bytes    Size in Long-Int (HEX)
VOBJ1.VOBJ        1,343         3F 05 00 00
VOBJ2.VOBJ        6,800         90 1A 00 00
VOBJ3.VOBJ       15,899         1B 3E 00 00

The mVOBJ file would be structured like this

3F 05 00 00 + VOBJ1.VOBJ + 90 1A 00 00 + VOBJ2.VOBJ + 1B 3E 00 00 + VOBJ3.VOBJ
where "VOBJ1 - VOBJ3.VOBJ" stands for the content of each VOBJ file of course.


3D Direct

(under construction)

"Cube" - Fog: Off

"Cube" - Fog: On

"Cube" - Fog: On - Higher Intensity

"Cube" - Fog: On - Higher Distance

"Hole" - Fog: On

"Static" - Fog: On

"Cone" - Fog: On

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