You can download the complete TheDraw font sets Collection of currently ??? ANSI and ASCII fonts, plus the preview images and ASCIIs/ANSIs for each font in a single ZIP file, incl. my .TDF Fonts Tool,
How To UseGalleryFor Developers: .TDF Format Specifications
For Users: Fonts Tool (Windows)
For Users: TheDraw (the Tool 4 MS-DOS)
How to use the TDF Font Sets with TheDraw![]() How to use My TDF Font Sets with TheDrawIf you downloaded My Entire TheDraw Fonts Collection you will find in there a FOLDER called "SETS". Copy that folder into the directory where you put TheDraw.exe and TDFonts.EXE. Check out the Text File "CONTENT.TXT" to find out in which .TDF Fonts Collection file your desired font is located in. The Collection files are named TDFONTS0.TDF, TDFONTS1.TDF ... TDFONTSX.TDF. Run the .BAT (Batch) Script "SELECTDF.BAT" from Windows (NOT from DOSBox or whatever Emulator/Virtual Server you are using).
It should bring up a screen like this:
There you just enter the last character of the SET you want to use (e.g. "f") and hit enter. It will now copy the selected SET to the TheDraw folder one level up and replace the TDFONTS.TDF file that TheDraw is using. It will look like this: Important Notes!! Do the SET selection before you open TheDraw or the font editor TDFONTS.EXE! Also make sure that if you made any changes to fonts via TDFONTS.EXE that you make a backup copy of the TDFONTS.TDF file in the TheDraw program directory, or all your changes will be gone for good. |