Tools written by Roy/SAC

Cracktro Text Edit Tool 1.0

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If you have a pre-compiled intro/cracktro with page text that must be updated and then compiled by somebody of your group who isn't a coder then you probably already know that they often make errors during the text edit, which is often some pre-formated code include file for "C" or "Assembler". They enter more characters in a line than they are supposed to or too much or too little lines per page or use characters that are not supported by the font set used by the intro and either cause the final intro to crash or in most cases just show messed up text with missing or wrong characters.

Tool Summary

Tool Name
Current Version
Programming Language Used
Short Description
Latest Version Download

Please Note! ... that all of my tools posted on my web site are using the Free Art License (FAL) 1.3 (Copy left Attitude), which means its free to use, share and even modify and redistribute, as long as your modified version is still free and not commercially distributed. If you want to exploit the software commercially, you would have to contact me and negotiate terms.

Needless to say, but better safe than sorry.... using my tools does not make me liable for any direct or indirect caused damages or losses, because of the use of them. You use them at your own risk. If you are paranoid, don't use them, if you are not understanding what I am saying here, don't use them either.



Main Window


What the Hell is This?

This tool is a mini-editor for page texts which can be easily configured via command line options and included with your pre-compiled cracktro where you can simply call it via a batch script where you pass along the desired settings.


The Command Line Options

Basic Usage:

TextEditor.exe <FILENAME> /w:N /h:N /c:U|L /s<chars>

Parameter Options/Description
<FILENAME> the path and file name of the text file to be loaded into the editor and where it saves all changes back to
/w: <NUM> - the page width or maximum NUM characters per text line
/h: <NUM> - the page height or maximum NUM lines per single page
/c: <U|L> - the casing of the font U = Uppercase (Default) and L = Lowercase. So if you only have an upper case font and the user enters a lower-case letter, it will be converted automatically to uppercase (or the other way around, if "L" was selected)
/s: <CHARSET> - the list of allowed letter, number and special characters that can be used and are supported by the font set of you cracktro


The resulting text file output file will write each line separated by CR+LF (chr(13)+chr(10)). There will always be NUM characters per line. Not used space is automatically replaced by space characters, which includes not utilized lines to fill up the specified size of the page. A two pages "page text" with 20 characters per line and 10 lines per page would look like this for example (the double quotes were added for illustration purposes and not part of the actual output):

					"                    "
					"                    "
					"                    "
					"    PAGE TEXT 1     "
					"                    "
					"                    "
					"                    "
					"                    "
					"                    "
					"                    "
					"                    " <- note: page 2 begin
					"                    "						
					"                    "
					"                    "
					"    PAGE TEXT 2     "
					"                    "				
					"                    "						
					"                    "				
					"                    "
					"                    "

Example Call

TextEditor /w24 /h10 /cU text.txt /s"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!(""#'()*+,-./:;?=<>%&$"