I released a pack of almost all intros that I created with OSDM in 2009. It includes 28 intros and an interactive menu that I programmed in Pure Basic. It was my first PB program ever so please forgive me any bugs and flaws that it might has. You can watch a video capture of the menu system on Vimeo.com. I also created a special intro for the pack itself. More about that further down below.
Note: The original release of my Megatro 2009 last December only included an 64-bit executable, which did not run on 32-bit systems. I was not aware of that until a few weeks after its release. The current and updated version of my release now includes a 32-bit and a 64-bit executable. The 32-bit exe should run on 64-bit systems also, but I recommend using the 64-bit version, if you are using a 64-bit system for performance reaons.