<% Dim ContactMessage,sErrorMessage Dim cname,cemail,ccomment Dim objregisterMail,sBody Dim cURL,cCompany ,sPhone Dim sReason, sTechLog ContactMessage = "" cemail = trim(request("cemail")) cname = trim(request("cname")) ccomment = trim(request("ccomment")) cURL= trim(request("cURL")) sPhone = trim(request("sPhone")) validator = lcase(request("validator")) sTechLog = vbcrlf & vbcrlf sTechLog = sTechLog & "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbcrlf sTechLog = sTechLog & "Tech Log for SPAM Fighting Purposes." & vbcrlf sTechLog = sTechLog & "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbcrlf sTechLog = sTechLog & "DATE/TIME: " & now & " (PST)" & vbcrlf sTechLog = sTechLog & "REMOTE_ADDR: " & Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") & vbcrlf sTechLog = sTechLog & "LOCAL_ADDR: " & Request.ServerVariables("LOCAL_ADDR") & vbcrlf sTechLog = sTechLog & "HTTP_USER_AGENT: " & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") & vbcrlf sTechLog = sTechLog & "HTTP_REFERER: " & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") & vbcrlf sTechLog = sTechLog & "HTTP_HOST: " & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") & vbcrlf sTechLog = sTechLog & "HTTP_URL: " & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_URL") & vbcrlf & vbcrlf 'ContactMessage = ContactMessage & currdtandtm & vbcrlf 'ContactMessage = ContactMessage & now & vbcrlf 'ContactMessage = ContactMessage & datediff("s",formatdatetime(currdtandtm,vbshortdatetime),now) & vbcrlf ContactMessage = ContactMessage & "Your Message was transmitted successfully. " & vbcrlf & vbcrlf ContactMessage = ContactMessage & "Thank you for contacting me and your interest in RoySAC.com." & vbcrlf ContactMessage = ContactMessage & "I appreciate your time to write me and your feedback and comments about my Website. " & vbcrlf ContactMessage = ContactMessage & "I will contact you shortly." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf sErrorMessage="" if request("sendmail") = "yes" and instr(1,Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"),"http://www.roysac.com/contact.asp",1) > 0 then 'send contact email if EMailValidator(cemail) = false then sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage & "- Please enter a valid Email Address.
" end if if cname = "" then sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage & "- Please enter your Full Name.
" end if if ccomment = "" then sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage & "- Please enter your Message.
" end if if validator <> "carsten" then sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage & "- You did not pass the 'if you are human' check.
" end if if sErrorMessage = "" then sBody = "" sBody = sBody & "RoySAC.com Web Contact Form Submission" & vbcrlf sBody = sBody & "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbcrlf sBody = sBody & "Contacted Roy aka Carsten on: " & Weekdayname(weekday(now)) & "," & day(now) & ". " & monthname(month(now)) & " " & year(now) & ", " & amitimedisp(now) & " (PST)" & vbcrlf sBody = sBody & vbcrlf sBody = sBody & "Your Name: " & cname & vbcrlf if sPhone <> "" then sBody = sBody & "Phone Number: " & sPhone & vbcrlf end if sBody = sBody & "Email Address: " & cemail & vbcrlf if cURL <> "" then sBody = sBody & "Website URL: " & cURL & vbcrlf end if sBody = sBody & vbcrlf sBody = sBody & "Your Message: " & vbcrlf sBody = sBody & "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbcrlf sBody = sBody & ccomment & vbcrlf sBody = sBody & "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbcrlf sBody = sBody & vbcrlf Set objregisterMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") objregisterMail.From = cemail objregisterMail.To = "roy_sac@gmx.net" ' objregisterMail.To = "carsten@cumbrowski.com" objregisterMail.Subject = "RoySAC.com Web Contact Form" objregisterMail.BodyFormat = 1 objregisterMail.MailFormat = 0 objregisterMail.Body = sBody & sTechLog objregisterMail.Importance = 1 objregisterMail.Send Set objregisterMail = Nothing sBody = sBody & ContactMessage & vbcrlf sBody = sBody & "Thank you for visiting http://www.RoySAC.com" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf sBody = sBody & "Cheers," & vbcrlf sBody = sBody & "Carsten Cumbrowski aka Roy/SAC" & vbcrlf Set objregisterMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") objregisterMail.From = "Roy/SAC aka Carsten Cumbrowski " ' objregisterMail.To = "Roy/SAC aka Carsten Cumbrowski " objregisterMail.To = cemail objregisterMail.Subject = "RE: RoySAC.com Web Contact Form - Confirmation and Auto Reply" objregisterMail.BodyFormat = 1 objregisterMail.MailFormat = 0 objregisterMail.Body = sBody objregisterMail.Importance = 1 objregisterMail.Send Set objregisterMail = Nothing response.redirect "contact.asp?thankyou=yes" end if end if %> Contact Roy/SAC

Contact Roy/SAC

<%if request("thankyou") = "yes" then%> <%else%> <%end if%>
Thank you for your Time


Note: A copy of your Message was also sent to your Email Address.

Roy/SAC aka Carsten Cumbrowski

Where do you want to go Next?
Roy/SAC Blog or SAC Homepage or Roy/SAC Art Page or ASCII Art Primer or
ASCII Art Styles Article. How about My Shop or My Download Page? ...
... or something different like My ASCII Art Gallery or maybe My ANSI Art Gallery ... uncertain? Why not check the Site Map?

<%if sErrorMessage <> "" then%> <%end if%>
OOps. I am sorry, but I have problems with the following information:
Use the contact form below to leave me a brief message.
You can also send me an email directly to roy_sac AT gmx DOT net.

If you want to contact me regarding an art request, please read this first.
Short: I am not accepting any requests for art work (ASCII/ANSI) anymore!

Use my "Drop Box" below the message form to send me file(s).

Alternative means of contacting me can be found here.

Send me a Message
  Input fields marked with * and bold labels are required.
Your Full Name * 
Your Email Address * 
Phone Number    
Your Website URL    
Your Message * 
Check, if you are human     <- Type the word

Technical Information about this Session
Your IP Adress: <%=Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")%>
Server Date and Time: <%=now%> (PST)